Investigation of NeuroDevelopment using MRS and Functional Connectivity

Elif Sikoglu (CCNI, UMASS Medical School), Ana Liso (CCNI, UMASS Medical School), Nanyin Zhang (CCNI, UMASS Medical School), David Kennedy (CANDI, UMASS Medical School), Jean Frazier (CANDI, UMASS Medical School), Jean King (CCNI, UMASS Medical School), Constance Moore (CCNI, UMASS Medical School)

In Vivo Magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) is a noninvasive qualitative method that can be used to characterize metabolic changes within a specific area of the brain as a consequence of neurological or psychiatric disorders. Using the proton (1H) MRS technique, one can measure the concentration of neuronal metabolites (e.g. N-acetyl aspartate (NAA)), glial markers, (e.g. glutamine) and neurotransmitters (e.g. Glutamate and γ-Aminobutric acid (GABA)).

Functional MR (fMRI) is a noninvasive technique that is used to characterize the neuronal interactions among different brain regions, whilst performing a specific task or during rest. The resulting functional connectivity maps reveal the spatial and temporal correlations among cortical and subcortical brain regions. Previous research has shown that brain activity continues in the absence of a definite task and hence causing fluctuations in the MR signal during resting state.

In this work, we will use 1H MRS in conjunction with resting state connectivity analysis to study neurodevelopment in healthy children and adolescents. We will be investigating the concentrations of key metabolites as well as patterns of connectivity during rest. Due to high plasticity feature of the brain and hence changes in neuronal activities, we expect to observe differences in chemical content and the involved neuronal substrates during development.

Preferred presentation format: Poster
Topic: Neuroimaging

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